Sunday, September 6, 2009

Delhi 6

The occassion was - engagement of my lovable pinni! We were a group of seven- thathagaru, ammamma, Ravi maama, pinni, mom, dad and me.

The onward journey was in a train and I won't say I had a great time. It was a long journey and I had too little space for playing. I couldn't crawl and move around freely, was always held by someone - something which I did not like much.

But still, like a good litle girl, I kept on playing, engaging everyone around and suddenly learnt something new - clapping. Yess!! I had finally started clapping.

We had put up in JNU's hostel. The campus was pretty good and the rooms were spacious. After the train journey when we reached our rooms, I finally got my freedom back. The moment Daddy placed me on the bed, my facial expressions immediately changed. I was so happy, like a free bird, smiling and laughing. I could just move as much as I wanted.

That day was well spent with mom-dad's PUCSD (Pune University Computer Science Dept) friends.

The next day was the ceremony. I had a good sleep for sometime which helped me resfresh myself to enjoy the rest of the eventful day.

Then came a looong day! We set out for a Vrindavan-Mathura-Agra trip that spanned from 5am in the morning till 10pm at night. It was tiring for everyone, I was just a little
baby!! But I fared really well and my grandfather couldn't help praising the patience I kept through the entire journey. I enjoyed Mathura's Krishna Janmasthan the most, again for the same reasons - it had a vast open area (kind of a terrace)
very airy, and I could crawl to my heart's content.

We stayed (Mom, Dad and me) one day extra and visited the really beautiful Akshara Dham temple. Following morning was our return flight, and I enjoyed the return journey.

I hope to return to this part of India when I grow up enough to understand things!


  1. Nice Trip.You have visited one wonder ( out of 7 wonders of world ) at this tender age only.Nice Achievement.I Wish you should visit all the beautiful places around the world.

    Keep Smiling Nishita :)

  2. Hi Nishu, you are looking so beautiful in lord krishna at stage performance and also please tell to your parents that please upload latest photoes immediately, Ramesh.M
