Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am teething! - My Ninth month

My first pair of lower central incisors had started emerging out! It gave me an advanced ability of chewing food in a better way. And with this I started preferring foods that I can just put in my mouth and keep on chewing for a long time. I tried everthing including pakoda, papad, murukku, roti and puri. Good thing was I would not attempt to swallow food but just keep it inside my mouth and work on softening it.

Many additional sounds got added to my babbling - mama, babbaa, papaa, thathaa, aaaayy, aaabbba. And some new expressions in my face - like wrinkling my nose to either show excitement or displeasure and smiling with a stylish eye-blink.

I could climb stairs pretty fast and guess what?? I could also climb the slide in our park. While the rest of the world did the usual thing of sliding down, I, with the most enthusiastic expression and a naughty smile on my face, would start doing just the reverse!

I was able to stand holding onto a wall and walk pushing the traditional style walker. Watch it!

Towards the end of this month I went to Delhi on the ocassion of my pinni's engagement. Read on the next post for the details.